
Contact Pennie!

20 thoughts on “Contact

  1. I just finished watching the movie “almost famous” made in 2000. I’ve not seen in over 10 years. It was so fun to watch it and bring back all the memories of the rock bands, high school and good times. I am 58 years old and have had a great life. I raised seven children listening to that rock ‘n roll music and they have a love for it as I do. Now I have grandchildren I want share it with. Penny Lane was a great character in the movie and was really the focal point of the movie in my opinion. Keep those memories you have and hopefully you have made many more to add onto them.

  2. Hi Pennie, just dropping by to say hi…waiting for spring wildflowers here in Minnesota….am a poet…you can catch my thoughts by googling my full name! jim

  3. Dear Ms. Lane,

    My name is Tim. And I am pretty much just like everyone else with the possible exception that music moves me to such on such a deep level. My ma raised me on Beatles 45’s. I was spoon fed cat Stevens the stones zeppelin. Allman brothers and the dead. I am currently 8 months into recovering from a really bad and lengthy heroin addiction. I was 23 when I was hooked. I spent 11 years in a daze and now that I’m coming out I’m rediscovering music all over again. I play but I’m no jimmy page. But I have no desire to have a known name. I can’t imagine not being able to express myself with music. I just wanted to send you some love and good vibes. I’d love to hear some advice or insights you might have for somebody in my situation. You may be busy, so either way I just wanted to say its nice to know that you’re real and that some things don’t change with the passing of time.


    1. Tim,
      Thank you for writing and I just want to say, I admire your courage and support your recovery. I’ve lost a lot of friends to that drug and it wasn’t pretty. Perhaps the reason you relate so much to music, is because so many musicians have shared your experience. That is the beautiful thing about music. When you hear those songs, don’t you feel like they are singing to only you? I love it when that happens. My advice is to just take one day at a time, work the program (!) take your meds, because I’m not a professional, with herion, I think that is all you can do- and it’s a monumental goal every day. But you have shown great strength and please stay clean. You really don’t want to miss another decade of music, do you? (smile)

      Pennie Lane!

  4. Hi Pennie, I met you tonight at Manuel’s. Such a great guy. The Rolling Stone issue I was telling you about is June 20, 2013. (Can’t believe it was a year and a half ago). I hope we run into each other again, you’re my kind of people. Kerry

    1. Thanks Kerry! Hey if anyone reading this happens to have this copy of Rolling Stone ( the pot issue) please email please let me know at! Thank you. Recreational pot becomes legal in Oregon on July 1, 2015!

  5. Hey!!

    Hubby and I just sold everything we own and we bought an RV to travel the country and live life by choice. Hubby was wounded in OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom), and every day he’s here is a blessing! We decided to stop the rat race and live life on our terms. The flowers are quite lovely when you can stop to enjoy their aroma! I wanted to ask you where your favorite cities were (preferably in the U.S., but we will take this journey international one day!), and I’ll take note for our journey! I hope all is well. Thank you for being an inspiration! ❤️

  6. I just want to say I’m so glad to know that you really exist in the world, and every time I play my guitar every note is for you and every other human being who truly loves the golden age of Rock n’ Roll… All the best forever!

  7. I didn’t realize you had replied to my post almost 6 yrs ago…thank you so much, Pennie! hope all is well with you & yours this holiday season#

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